Protein Markers

Unstained & Prestained Protein Markers

NEB offers a selection of highly pure protein standards available in unstained and prestained formats. Sizes range from 10 to 250 kDa which is ideal for accurate molecular weight determination for a wide range of expressed proteins. NEB protein standards provide uniform band intensities, convenient band spacing and easy-to-identify reference bands. NEB protein markers are “ready-to-load” and stable at -20°C for 24 months.

Product tabel

Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10-200 kDa) P7717S 150 gel lanes In den Shop wechseln Produktinformationen
P7717L 750 gel lanes In den Shop wechseln Produktinformationen
Blue Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range (11-250 kDa) P7718S 150 mini-gel lanes In den Shop wechseln Produktinformationen
P7718L 750 mini-gel lanes In den Shop wechseln Produktinformationen
Color Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10–250 kDa) P7719S 150 mini-gel lanes In den Shop wechseln Produktinformationen
P7719L 750 mini-gel lanes In den Shop wechseln Produktinformationen

As of: 01.01.2024


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