Protect your valuable RNA samples from digestion:
NEB’s best RNase Inhibitor provides protection at a reasonable price!
Do not risk you valuable RNA! Use NEB’s best RNase Inhibitor in every experiment and set your RNA-dependent experiments on a save and reliable basis.
The recombinant, murine RNase Inhibitor from NEB is the best protection against omnipresent RNases (RNases A, B, C). Thanks to a point mutation compared to conventional (humane/porcine) RNase Inhibitors NEBs variant is longer active in experiments – even with lower DTT concentrations!
Due to its reasonable price the inhibitor is especially suitable for high throughput experiments.
- Improved resistance to oxidation, compared to human/porcine RNase inhibitor
- Ideal for reactions where low DTT concentrations are required (e.g., Real-time PCR)
- No inhibition of polymerase activity (e.g. when used in PCR, in vitro Transcription etc.)
- Isolated from a recombinant source
- Tested for the absence of DNases and RNases
Price comparison (Costs/100 units) based on published list prices as of 01/2023.
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